I apologize for my absence in blog land lately. I have thought about blogging... but I haven't been inspired to blog lately. It may be the lack of decent photo taking going on, it may be the lack of interesting subject matter, or it may just be this damn cold I have contracted that is fogging my brain and making me grouchy.
Seriously though... ain't a whole lot going on over here at chez-sneezy. School's been busy, kids have been busy (archery started again last night, which means that 4/5 nights we have stuff going on), and somehow the month is already half over.
I have finished knitting to share... but haven't been home during decent sunlight (what is this sunlight, and where can I get some?) to snap any good photos. I have a project that was 'almost' finished, but I'm not happy about how it's coming out so I think I might rip it out and start over. But... the thought of that.. so depressing.
Almost as depressing as the next winter storm that is headed out way Friday. Seriously though, after feeling so lousy Monday on our last snow day... I'm kind of hoping we have no school Friday. Monday is a holiday and I could use a nice 4 day weekend. Word.