Most of you don’t know that I have been undergoing a series of tests on my heart over the past 4 weeks. I went to the school nurse the week before Halloween complaining of some “heart burn”, and to get some TUMS and she asked if she could have a listen to my heart (the discomfort was right in the middle of my chest). After a few minutes of listening, she expressed concern that my heart was beating irregularly. I shrugged it off, telling her I knew that my heart beat irregularly, and she questioned how I knew this. I went on to tell her that 6 years ago, right before we moved here, my OB-GYN expressed some concern about an irregular heart beat and I had an EKG right in her office and it was fine. I haven’t given it a whole lot of thought since then.
Because of the discomfort, and the irregular beat, and my low blood pressure (she monitors it for me, because when it drops lower than the normal 90/60, I get dizzy and lightheaded) she strongly suggested I go to the Dr. and just have them check it out. Because she’s a wonderful nurse, and she works at the Clinic part time and knows her stuff, I agreed to go and she made me call from her office.