So, due to all this mayhem.. my blogging is suffering. So are my "extracurricular" activities (the ones I do to relax). I did however crochet 2 washcloths since the weekend, and will post a pic or two this weekend. (I need to rake, but really.. I'm secretly hoping we get a freak storm, even though I know it will never happen). I also bought new yarn to make that baby sweater for "the second most perfect-est baby ever". Yes, I had yarn.. no I didn't get it finished when I said I would... yes this new yarn is a color I like better. It's a quick knit, and I could have it done by the end of the weekend if I would just start it.
I also want to bake this weekend. I don't know what though. I can tell you that I won't be making this nasty sounding dish. I have to plan out my menu for next week so I can go grocery shopping Saturday. We'll have soup one day... it's our cold weather tradition.. soup once a week. I also want to get "some raking" done (I'm setting my sights short on this) and maybe fall clean 2 rooms (they are very small, it's feasible if The Boy helps out). Hopefully that "extra hour" will help me get all this done... or if not.. I can enjoy some tasty beverages at the end of the weekend and be glad it's over.
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