So tonight, I went back into the archives of my blog to find out when our house was painted. Instead of doing a willy nilly search, I decided I'd just start at the first post, and have a good chuckle about how far I've come in my blogging. Those first few months of posts were rough, but as I scrolled through the months of the first year, I realized.. I'm pretty damn funny, and not a half bad writer. I miss blogging.. and I'm going to make an effort to do more of it. You might remember that this time last year I was in a bad place. It actually started the summer prior, now that I look back upon it with some distance and understanding... and I realize that while part of it was due to events, I believe another part of it was due to a bout of depression. I wish I had realized that then, but hindsight it 20/20 and there you have it. During those long months, I let my blog go mostly quiet. Instead of coming and blogging about what was going on, and how I felt (though maybe that might have been therapeutic), I chose to remain quiet.
Even though things are better now, and I am better now.. I haven't gotten back into blogging. Sometimes it's easier, and quicker to just post a Facebook status update, and I believe that is half my problem also. Starting in May (hahaha, see how I pushed it off another week and a half?) I vow to blog at least 2x a week, if not more. I want to bring back my Friday Five feature, at least for a bit while I get back into the swing of things. I have house projects I can share, knitting endeavors, paintings.. all sorts of things. I just need to get here and do it. Today I will give you a photo of my yard.. the first part that I finished raking. I started with the yard on both sides of the driveway, so I could sit on the porch, eat my lunch and admire my hard work. What I didn't take into consideration, was unless I sit in The Boy's chair, not facing the mountain and looking towards the part of the yard I didn't rake.. I couldn't see a damn thing. It was OK. Knowing I had done it made it all worthwhile.
1 comment:
At least I'm not the only one out there with good intentions on posting something yet somehow rarely get to it.
What started as a hobby and stress relief started feeling like a chore... and if there is something that I will ignore like the plague.. its chores.
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