Ms. Thang is off at Camp. She was so excited she was besides herself. I laughed out loud when I saw what cabin she was in. Two of my friends (one is a teacher at our school who A had 3 years in a row, and the other is a neighbor and fellow steel drummer) and one of her friend's mom are the counselors in her cabin. I tell you, she couldn't be in better hands. I made up a little gift bag for her with some monogrammed cards, and a kit that has gimp and directions, and a few other small things for Wednesday. My friends assured me she'd have a fabulous birthday and her cabin will get cake (how cool is that?? It's standard issue for birthdays during camp).
On the home front we are finalizing our preparations for my mom's visit. The Boy and the kids will head to the airport to pick her up Saturday morning while I'm drumming at our Town's Art Festival. Sunday is Ashley's birthday party. The Boy took Mon, Tue and Wed off from work, and we'll likely go to the lake one day, and perhaps the Cheshire Fair on Tuesday. Wednesday we will take her to my brother S's house and have a cookout lunch. So it's going to be a busy few days.
I love that baby watermelon out in the garden. It's actually sitting in the grass (I had the melons and pumpkins direct themselves out of the box because there really isn't enough room for them but I was growing them anyhow!) I got real close with the camera and that is grass it's sitting in. I was checking out the rest of the plants, and I don't know what I will do with all those melons! They are a "mini melon" variety, and I have a feeling I will be gifting a lot of my friends and co workers with watermelon.
Mini watermelons make great drinks. Cut hole.
Add rum of choice
Let chill
Insert Straw
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