Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Like A Hole In The Head

I must be crazy for committing to ANYTHING at the end of the year.. but I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to join the Hogwarts Sock Kit Swap 5. Harry Potter. Knitting. Socks. Fun. Who could turn that down??? It's actually Becca's fault. She's in the last month of school too, out in the Orient.. so I don't know what she was thinking either. Maybe the insanity of it all has finally pushed us over the edge. I'm not sure.. but it's going to be a helluva ride! In other Harry Potter news.. I am tickled to DEATH to have found out (ages ago, but I never chatted about it) that they are going to split the last book into two movies. It really is to much to try and cram it all into one movie.. so this makes me enormously happy.

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