Today has been one of those days that makes you want to crawl back into bed and pull the covers over your head. Maybe stay there for a day or two, or maybe a week. One of those days that starts bad, and you have a looming feeling that it's just going to get worse.
I woke up today, did some stuff, came downstairs to put the dishes away etc... and noticed it was cold. I thought, well ok, it did get pretty cold outside last night, and didn't think anything of it. We have these old, horrid heat blowers attached to the heat in our kitchen and family room, that once they are on do a good job of dispersing the heat in the rooms, and so I flipped them on. A minute later the boy walked by and flipped them off. What the heck was half out of my mouth, when he announced that we had no hot water. Our oil guy was coming today. We call when we run low, and they come out. However, we have done a slack job of remember to check lately, and seems we were a little low. Like run out during the night low. I won't entertain you with the schematics of washing etc. so you can go to work, but needless to say it was cold and tricky.