Friday, May 13, 2005

Friday Five

If I could be a painter, I would travel all over the United States (and then the world) and set up in fields and in front of interesting looking places and paint them. I would have an easel that was old and wooden and paint spattered, and I would bring along a tiny bud vase so that I could put a bunch of wildflowers next to me on a small table for inspiration.

If I could be a farmer I would live in an old charming farmhouse and raise chickens and cows and even have a few pigs. I would get a horse that would be my best bud and we'd take long rides out through the farm together. I would grow my own food and create a lovely room on the porch and live outside during the summer.

If I could be a writer I would write a book about all the same interesting places I would visit as a painter. I would tour the country hunting down the best of who we are, at the most simple level and write a book about my travels.

If I could be an Inn-Keeper, I would buy the big old charming farmhouse and make it a bed and breakfast in the country. And have fresh flowers and homemade goodies on the table every morning.

If I could be a chef, I would open up a darling cafe, that had an area with plump couches and chairs for readers and knitting groups. I would serve coffee and teas and baked goods and sandwiches with homemade breads and soups.

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