Friday, December 01, 2006

In Which We Find.... some Eye Candy

Each December, as a gift to you, my faithful readers (all 5 of you)... I make a conscious effort to not only blog every day but to share an image of the season. This year we have 3 full school weeks between now and Christmas, and if this week was any indication of how the rest will be, it might be a little trickier but I am going to try my darnedest.

It's hard to be festive and feel in the Christmas spirit when it's 60+ degrees out. In New Hampshire. Not only is it bizarre, it's unheard of. A few days of Indian summer aren't out of the ordinary.. but not a whole month. I'm sure my heating bill at the end of the winter will be thankful, as am I (not a fan of the cold).. but when you go from 60 degrees today, to 40 tomorrow and 20 on Monday.. that's a bit of a shock to the system. Your body needs time to acclimate to the cold. We didn't get that this year. The weather guru on the radio says they think we'll have lower than average snow fall this year, but more ice-type storms due to El-Nino. Not a fan of the El-Nino.

Tonight I am going to hang out with my girlfriends. My best school friend's sister is hosting a jewelry party, and while I am not big into jewelry, I am in need of a night out and some girlfriend time. Also maybe beverages. Especially after today. So I leave you with the first picture of the season. This is a ceramic candle holder that sits on my dining room table. My mom used to do ceramics when I was a little girl.I added the little garlandy thing around the bottom of the candle, and the candle. She never sculpted anything, but took already made pieces and painted them and brought them home. She obviously needed a night out too.


Scrappytbear said...

Ditto on the weather, we here in Atlantic Canada (hey quite close to New Hampshire) are experiencing warm warm temps. And are expected to drop quickly in the next few days.
Gorgeous centerpiece, my mother also LOVED ceramics for many years, and has many pieces to prove that love.

@wesome@bby said...

LOVE when you post eye candy! :) I also remember my mom doing lots of ceramic schtuff when I was little, specifically a whale with a huge mouth that held the scrubber thingy at the sink.