A is for Age-31
B is for Booze- Corona Lite, Midori Sours, Wine
C is for Career-Education (see also, doormat, maid, laundromat, professional "do it all")
D is for Doctor (last check up)- Last spring. Need to get my butt back in there. "No, I'm not tired ALL the time. And no, that is not my knee making that clicking noise either."
E is for Essential items to bring to a party-Spinach dip in a bread bowl.
F is for Favorite Article of clothing- Red Sox sweatshirt. Oh, maybe a tie with my grey fleece pants.
G is for Goof off thing to do- Umm... these foolish things? I dunno.
H is for Hometown- Londonderry NH
I is for Instrument you play-Steel Drums. I play a chromatic lead.
J is for Jam or Jelly you like- Strawberry. Or Wild Blueberry.
K is for Kids- I have a pre-teen son who won't live to see his teen years, and a 8.5 yr old daughter going on 30.
L is for Living arangement- Yup..still living thanks.
M is for Music- Umm.. I like most music. Most.
N is for Name of your first pet-Stephanie. She was a dog.
O is for Overnight hospital stays- One for each child, one for a surgery in HS. The rest were same day releases.
P is for Phobias-I'm a little manic about fire.
Q is for Quote you like- "I may not be there yet but I'm closer than I was yesterday."
R is for Reason for smiling- My man, the sun shining, the kids getting along..good coffee. I have a lot.
S is for Siblings- 4 brothers 3 step-sisters.
T is for Texas, ever been? Umm. no. I know a catchy song though. "I wanna go hommme...."
U is for Unique trait-I have really big eyes.
V is for Vegetable you like- Cukes. T'maters.
W is for Worst traits- I'm half Italian. Nuff said.
X is for X-rays you've had. HAHAH. If it can be x-rayed, I've had it. Even had a brain CT once.
Y is for Yummy food you make- Homemade pizza. Mmmmm.
Z is for Zodiac sign-Gemini.
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