Thursday, December 22, 2005

Well done good and faithful servent...

"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." II Timothy 4: 7

I have a quote that hangs above my craft area that reads, " I may not be there yet, but I am closer than I was yesterday." (unknown). I have had it hanging there for a bunch of years now, and I read it on occasion, when I think to. But during the past few months, I have thought of it often. More so the past bunch of weeks, when I knew my time doing that hard thing was running short.

Today was my last day. The past four months have been the hardest four months of my school career. Juggling two different programs, and 15 different kids, along with various other factors made for many long hard days. 15 different kids isn't hard per say, except that 4 are autistic and 1 is mentally retarded and a good day with those boys is still worse than a bad day with most. 

I am looking forward to going back after vacation and returning to a bit more structure to my day. Back to a day that is mostly routine and structured, instead of based on variables that range from absent staff to mood to how much sleep a boy got the night before and how high he is running and 11 thousand other different things.

The part of me that isn't totally exhausted, is a little sad. There are things that I will miss, and moments that I will treasure forever. But I am grateful to be going back to what I do best. I wish the person taking my place doing that hard thing (but all day which is what they really needed to begin with) the best of luck in the word. I am ready to pass my baton. Soon as I can muster up the strength to lift my tired arms. Let the Christmas break begin.

1 comment:

Carly said...

nice job, you stuck it out. Good girl!

have a nice Christmas